Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Argentina and its ways


1.) They highly disapprove of people eating on the streets- example: one day a friend and I were eating some pastries we had just bought while walking down the street and this older woman sitting on a stoop started just yelling at us in Spanish and kept asking us why we would do that. You'll also receive many dirty and confused looks.
2.) Jackets/coats/cold weather gear is always worn, ALWAYS. Even if it is really cold outside.
3.) They use hand gestures on a daily basis to explain what they are saying.
4.) Comments such as "fat one"and "how ugly he/she is"is very common and acceptable and are not seen as rude.
5.) Most Argentine's consider themselves Italians
6.) Crosswalks are more of general guidelines that don't necessarily need to be followed- meaning that you don't need to wait for the walking light to come on, rather dodging traffic is commonly done. Also you may get hit by a bus on any given day- pedestrians don't have the right of way.
7.) Cars are rarely ever in an actual lane, nor do most drivers follow any sort of driving laws. I haven't worn a seatbelt in a cab since being here.
8.) McDonalds and BK Lounge are usually 3 floors and packed with people. They are classy here. Other than these two places fast food does not exist here, meaning you can not get food quicker than 30 minutes.
9.)To get your check to pay for a meal, you have to find the waiter.
10.) Nightlife starts around 2 AM and can go til around 8 in the morning. Parents think it is weird if their kids don't go out.
11.) It is not possible for any woman to walk down a street in BA without hearing, "que linda," kissing sounds, whistles, or be stared at intensely. I once had a guy say in a whisper while I walked by for me to give him my number. He was a security guard.
12.) Argentine time is perfect for me as 8 AM is considered early. Even 10 AM is early. If you were to walk around the city at 8 AM you would think it was a ghost town because everyone is still sleeping.
13.) Every morning, anyone who has cement in front of his/her house or business washes it down with water. Every morning.
14. ) Dog poop is everywhere, you just have to master the art of not stepping in it. I have literally seen a person walking their dog, watch it poop, and then go on their way.
15.) Smiling while walking on the streets is very rare, mainly because if a girl smiles or makes eye contact with a guy it basically means that you're into him.
16.) Besos on the cheek are a normal greeting- which I love!
17.) Lines to take the colectivo just happen- it is very orderly
18.) Dulce de leche is in everything and everywhere!
19.) They have the most amazing pastries and ice cream.
20.) A change of seasons is very highly celebrated. The beginning of Spring- everyone had "Feliz Primavera"on the windows of restaurants and businesses.
21.) Fruit is considered a dessert
22.) Mate is a part of daily life and everyone here drinks it
23.) Change is rarely ever available- in other words if you have a 100 peso bill, you may be denied from buying something that is 0-20 pesos, because the store doesn't want to give you the change.

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